The Popularity Of Concrete Mixer Pump For Sale Listings

Any business in the construction field understands the importance of investing in high-quality concrete pumping and mixing equipment. Often time, however, it can be hard to know which models make the best investment options with so many different concrete pumping devices for sale. Many business decide to buy concrete mixer pump trucks, as the devices offer a range of benefits and combine mixing and pumping machinery into a single unit. Here are some of the key reasons why concrete mixer pump trucks are a popular choice:

1. Reduce Concrete Costs

Purchasing pre-mixed concrete can get expensive, especially when you factor in the delivery costs to transport the mixture to a job site. Meanwhile, with a concrete mixer pump, construction workers can mix all the concrete they need themselves without having to rely on third-party suppliers. Workers can also make bespoke concrete formulations to provide the best finishes for different building projects.

2. Never Run Out Of Concrete

When buying pre-mixed concrete, construction firms often underestimate the amount they need to complete a specific project. This then results in time being wasted on-site while workers wait for a new delivery. In contrast, a cement mixer pump enables workers to simply mix up a new batch on concrete when required without delay. Furthermore, the onboard pump means the mixture can be quickly transferred to exactly where it’s needed via horizontal or vertical hoses. When compared to traditional concrete pouring methods, a concrete pump can save workers an extraordinary amount of time and physical effort.

electric concrete mixer pump
electric concrete mixer pump

3. Affordable Price Tag

Entry-level truck-mounted pompa cor beton mini are a relatively affordable option for many construction firms. Since the devices serve two functions, firms can often save money by not having to invest in separate concrete mixing and concrete pumping equipment. The trucks tend to have healthy ROI rates providing you buy from a top-rated global manufacturer.

4. Easy To Liquidate

It’s not difficult to resell old concrete mixer pump trucks in the used machinery marketplace. This means if a construction firm needs to liquidate some of its assets to stay in business during slow periods, they won’t find it difficult. Not only are the trucks easy to resell, but they often hold their value over time. Since the trucks are portable, it also a lot easier to deliver them to the buyer. Think about how much more difficult it would be to sell a stationary concrete batch plant that is installed on cement foundations. Check more info here:

5. Portability And Flexibility

Concrete mixer trucks are incredibly portable by design. They can be driven to any construction sites and it’s even possible to mix concrete on the way to the size. The trucks can also be used to pick up pre-mixed concrete formulas from a large distribution center for transportation to rural areas.

Presented above are some of the key benefits of concrete mixer pumps. Hopefully, you can see that they make a great investment option for just about any business operating in the construction industry. Just remember to only buy concrete mixer pump for sale from reputable sellers.